3 lbs. Sezonul 1 Online Subtitrat 720 HD
3 livre este greutatea creierului unui om adult, iar serialul este o drama in care stiinta se ciocneste de complexitatea personalitatii, logica, emotii si credinta in eroii moderni – confruntati cu situatii pe muchie de cutit – exploreaza frontiere noi ale medicinei, creierul uman. Grupul este condus de Dr. Doug Hanson (Stanley Tucci), un neurochirurg de exceptie cu o minte ascutita, care compara lucrul cu creierul uman cu un mecanism complex ascuns intr-o cutie. Pe de alta parte, protejatul sau, o fire meditativa, Dr. Jonathan Seger (Mark Feuerstein) este fascinat de misterele mintii umane si considera ca inainte de a opera creierul cuiva trebuie sa stie mai multe despre persoana respectiva.
from executive producer Peter Ocko comes a new medical drama about two elite neurosurgeons who have different takes on how to treat their patients. One cares about them and one who only cares about their brains. Dr. Doug Hanson (Stanley Tucci) is a brilliant neurosurgeon and one of the best in New York City. His method is simple. The brain is like a wire box, and the patient is not important because that is just the outside. Dr. Jonathan Seger (Mark Feuerstein) has a totally different point-of-view. To him, the psychological health of his patient is a priority. When these two top doctors work on a patient, however, they forget their differences and perform miracles.
An arrogant neurosurgeon takes on a new partner.
3 lbs. (2006– )
TV Series | Drama
Genres: Drama
Country: USA
Creator: Peter Ocko
Stars: Ken Wharton, Mark Feuerstein, Armando Riesco
3 lbs.,
Armando Riesco,
Ken Wharton,
Mark Feuerstein,