The Divide este o drama plina de suspans ce da de gandit si exploreaza costul personal al moralitatii, ambitiei, eticii, politicii si rasei in sistemul judiciar de astazi, prin ochii Christinei Rosa, jucata de Marin Ireland (Homeland, Boss, Side Effects), o asistenta sociala pasioanta de la The Innocence Initiative si Adam Page, jucat de Damon Gupton (The Newsroom, Prime Suspect), un procuror la fel de pasionat si personalitate politica in devenire.

Sezonul 1
Episodul 1 - The Way Men Divide Netu | openload | Ok.ru | HD
Episodul 2 - No Such Thing as Justice Netu | openload | Ok.ru | HD
Episodul 3 - Facts Are the Enemy Netu | openload | Ok.ru | HD
Episodul 4 - Never Forget Netu | openload | Ok.ru | HD
Episodul 5 - I'm for Justice Netu | openload | Ok.ru | HD
Episodul 6 - And the Little Ones Get Caught Netu | openload | Ok.ru | HD
Episodul 7 - I Can't Go Back Netu | openload | Ok.ru | HD
Episodul 8 - To Whom Evil Is Done Netu | openload | Ok.ru | HD

A district attorney uncovers new evidence that prompts the reinvestigation of a sensational murder case.

The Divide
Gen film DramÄ, Thriller
Country: USA
Durata: 44 min
Regia Allison Anders, Tony Goldwyn, Janusz Kaminski, Sarah Pia Anderson, Millicent Shelton
Cu Marin Ireland, Damon Gupton, Nia Long