Kyle Barnes a fost afectat de posedări demonice toată viaţa sa. Acum, cu ajutorul reverendului Anderson, un predicator care are proprii săi demoni, tânărul porneşte într-o călătorie pentru a găsi răspunsuri la numeroasele întrebări pe care şi le pune, şi să îşi recapete viaţa normală de altă dată, acum pierdută. Dar ce descoperă Kyle în căutările sale ar putea schimba nu numai soarta lui, dar şi soarta lumii pentru totdeauna. Barnes, e un om ce caută răspunsuri şi mântuire şi care se izolează de cei pe care îi iubeşte, de teama de a nu provoca răni mai mari celor din jurul său.

Kyle Barnes has had a series of misfortunes in his life; his mother would beat him as a child and he was accused of attacking his own daughter. After attending an exorcism in his native town, he is convinced his mother and his wife were possessed and he was not the source of them going bad. He therefore teams up with Reverend Anderson to try and save people that are possessed by demons while putting up with the residents of his town who think he's bad news and would deserve to be in jail.

Actori: Philip Glenister, Reg E. Cathey, Patrick Fugit, David Denman, Brent Spiner
An: 2016
Genuri: Drama, Groaza
Runtime: 60 minute