Un mic oraș norvegian care are ierni calde și ape violente pare să fie îndreptat către un alt Ragnarök – cu excepția cazului în care cineva intervine la timp.

In the small fictional town of Edda coming of age people are forced to respond to climate changes. The ice caps are melting at a rate no one had anticipated. People go through long periods of drought. The winters are too warm. More and more frequently, people experience extreme cold bursts. In all ways extreme weather conditions. The world is changing, and some might claim that we're heading towards a new Ragnarok. Unless someone intervenes in time.

Anul 2020
Genul: Action & Adventure, Drama
Director: Adam Price
Actori: David Alexander Sjøholt, Emma Bones, Herman Tømmeraas, Jonas Strand Gravli, Theresa Frostad Eggesbø