In acest serial, un politist pensionat moare. Acesta este readus la viata, cu 35 de ani mai tanar. Astfel el are parte de o a doua sansa. Ce va face cu aceasta sansa? Isi va repara greselile care le-a facut in trecut, sau se va axa pe aflarea criminalulu responsabil de moartea lui?

It follows the life of Jimmy Pritchard, a 75-year-old former King County, Washington sheriff who was morally corrupt and later disgraced and forced to retire. After he is killed in a robbery at his son's home, Pritchard is brought back to life in the improved body of a younger man by billionaire tech-genius twins Mary and Otto Goodwin. However, despite having a new life and a chance to relive his life and find a new purpose, the temptations that led to his career being tarnished continue to haunt him Written

Second Chance
Actori:Ciara Bravo, Adhir Kalyan, Dilshad Vadsaria, Vanessa Lengies, Tim De
Gen:SF, Groaza, Drama
Durata:42 minute