Ultimele Seriale :

Lucifer Sezonul 1 Online Subtitrat 1080p HD

Satana, supărat pe viața lui plictisitoare din iad, vine și locuiește în Los Angeles pentru a ajuta omenirea și pentru a curăța „mizeriile” provocate de ea, iar prin abilitățile sale telepatice aduce la suprafață cele mai profunde dorințe sau gânduri ale oamenilor.

Satan bored from his sulking life in hell comes and lives in los angeles only to help humanity with it's miseries through his experience and telepathic abilities to bring people's deepest desires and thoughts out of them. While his meeting with a girl in his nightclub (called lux ), a shootout at him and the girl leads him to be a LAPD consultant who in order tries to punish people for their crimes through police, law and justice.

Actori:Kevin Alejandro
Durata:42 minute
Lucifer (2015) on IMDb
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