Lucious Lyon este regele hip-hop-ului. Un artist extrem de talentat, un CEO al Empire Entertainment si un fost asasin, domnia sa fiind necontestata ani de zile. Dar, toate acestea se schimba atunci cand afla ca are o boala care il va face sa devina olog si incapabil in cativa ani. Ceasul ticaie, iar el trebuie sa predea stafeta unuia din cei trei fii ai sai, fara a distruge familia sa deja dezmembrata.…

LUCIOUS LYON is the king of hip-hop. An immensely talented artist, the CEO of Empire Entertainment and a former street thug, his reign has been unchallenged for years. But all that changes, when he learns he has a disease that is going to render him crippled and incapacitated in a matter of three years. The clock is ticking, and he must groom one of his three sons to take over his crowning achievement, without destroying his already fractured family.

Gen:Drama, Muzica
Durata:42 minute
Actori:Taraji P. Henson, Courtney Love, Rafael de la Fuente, Jamie Kranig